Friday, November 27, 2009

There's Always One

There's Always One
Originally uploaded by nickwheeleroz (on holiday)

music is about many single beings:

God, the creator of the creative

the listener who immediately feels understood
the listener who doesn't get it at first, until it sinks in and changes their perspective
the listener who rediscovers it with new eyes years later
the one who takes a song and replays it as his/her own art
the performer who spills out his/her soul to whoever wants to listen, despite occasional discouragement
the listener who loves and supports it
the listener who realizes he/she has a story to tell too, and tells it for the sake of others and self
the performer/writer who realizes that the most horrible comment or situation cannot offset the encouragement of one person who has developed an everlasting bond with your song through a hard time and/or a beautiful one

Someone anonymously told me a couple of days ago that my songs were no good. I tried hard not to let it discourage me, though the comments were extremely negative, because I've always stuck to the idea that my songs are to change one person, not the world. Today someone else anonymously told me that one of my songs got her through a hard breakup. And that comment is getting me through. Things like that keep me going. and my Lord keeps me going.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

give me

the picture i found on flickr wouldn't let me blog it, but here's what it said underneath the pic:

...sage nicht, dass Du geben willst, sondern gib...

...dont say you want to give. Just give...

newest song... haven't decided how i feel about it yet, but here 'tis!

I’ve finally found a love that can almost drown him out of my mind

I’ve finally found someone who knows who I am inside

you might just be the love of my life

but I only have right now to show you why


I’m not the kind of girl to try to give a man what he wants

I am just myself, take it or leave it is my thought

but you feel like my last hope for truth

I want to stay happy with you


I wanna watch you brush your teeth before you go to bed

I’d love to travel, I’d stay home with you instead


so won't you give me

won’t you give me everything I need

won’t you give me

before you leave


you gave me all I asked for and so much more

we went down a road I had never been down before

and now I wonder, was it right?

to give up my heart without a fight?


I can't take it back now, what I’ve given to you

I just hope you treasure it more than the other men do

I hope that I’m the love of your life

cuz it takes a part of me when we fight


don't leave me again and make me cry

no matter what you do, I have to try

 to give you

i will give you everything you need

i will give you

before you leave...


you are so amazing

won't you please give yourself to me

though I know I shouldn't take it,

I'm afraid of what I might leave


I wish the words you sing were meant from you to me

but they were meant for other ears, I believe


but i'll still give you

i'll give you everything you need

 i will give you

before you leave....

  © Sephra Osburn 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Inside the pain
Originally uploaded by Tous les noms sont déjà pris... pfff...

too weak to stand alone,
i am your puppet.
i trust you,
do with me what you will.
you've made me who i have come to be.

i know life only by what you have shown me.

then you left me on the side of the road,
broken and scratched
and i hoped someone would come and pick me up,
or you'd take me back
but you never came,
so i had to learn to walk alone.

for the first time
i stood
without help
for the first time
i walked
by myself
and the beauty overwhelmed me

but i was alone.

then i met a puppet master.
amazed at how i stood alone,
he begged me to be his,
to stay with him at his home.
i thought he would treat me with the love i deserved,
i thought he would let me do what i do best-
stand alone.

but i was just a challenge to master
i was just a prize to sit on his shelf
i couldn't stand their laughter
when again i couldn't stand for myself.

the perfect, loving master has come for me.

He is in my arms and legs, 

but i control the strings.