Saturday, January 3, 2009

lists and Christianity

so fa from home
Originally uploaded by nardell

late last night i was going through scriptures from a lesson i'd heard and making a list of characteristics from those scriptures to possibly become new years resolutions. for those of you who were at new years in OK, yes, i'm talking about allen's lesson. i started to worry: am i making Christianity into a mere grocery list of things to do? It is suppose to be growth, and i knew focussing on these things would help me grow.
lists are not all-encompassing, but that doesn't make them useless. for example, if you know me as a person, i am not defined entirely by the things i love (God, writing, music, purple, etc.), but they do help to define me. if you want to understand me you need to know much more than that, but you must know those things. i think that it's probably similar with God: lists of His likes and dislikes may not show you all of Him, but they are things you need to know, and they can help you to understand other traits of His.
also, in Christian living, though a list of things to work on will not make us Christians, we need those characteristics to help us grow as Christians.
i hope that makes sense, or at least makes you think.

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