Sunday, May 17, 2009

recent thoughts from the notebook of me

a bit of advice- when someone is talking, show that you're listening- it affects the speaker. if you have ever performed music in a laid-back environment, you know how it feels to have people not listen. 

my struggle is with flesh and bones 
while yours lies deep within the soul

you fear the coming of the dark
i see only the dawn we're warned of
i think you might be missin' the mark
though i'm sure nowhere close to a bull's-eye

i'd love to run away with you
but i am just too tired to
play a game again 
with another fool

i'd love to meet you in the dark
make a fire out of a spark
but i've burned down this barn
one too many times

i've gotta sit you on the bed
tell you all the things i've read
that say you're wrong for me
and exactly why

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