Friday, November 27, 2009

There's Always One

There's Always One
Originally uploaded by nickwheeleroz (on holiday)

music is about many single beings:

God, the creator of the creative

the listener who immediately feels understood
the listener who doesn't get it at first, until it sinks in and changes their perspective
the listener who rediscovers it with new eyes years later
the one who takes a song and replays it as his/her own art
the performer who spills out his/her soul to whoever wants to listen, despite occasional discouragement
the listener who loves and supports it
the listener who realizes he/she has a story to tell too, and tells it for the sake of others and self
the performer/writer who realizes that the most horrible comment or situation cannot offset the encouragement of one person who has developed an everlasting bond with your song through a hard time and/or a beautiful one

Someone anonymously told me a couple of days ago that my songs were no good. I tried hard not to let it discourage me, though the comments were extremely negative, because I've always stuck to the idea that my songs are to change one person, not the world. Today someone else anonymously told me that one of my songs got her through a hard breakup. And that comment is getting me through. Things like that keep me going. and my Lord keeps me going.

1 comment:

PH said...

to say a song is "No Good" is to say one knows the definition of a good song. Does good mean sell a lot of records? Does good mean well crafted lyrics with a clear story? Does good mean one needs good instrumentation? I'd like to know what constitutes "good" art. Maybe then it can be mass produced by even robots perhaps.

Whether there is a such definition as good art or not, i don't yield to it. I make art. Period. I believe that's the beauty in creating. It is a part of me. It's who I am. It's something authentic and human. I do it not so someone can criticize it, but because it is a crayon i'm adding to a crayon box. It's my ripple i'm making in the ocean. It's the macaronni necklace i decided to make in 1st grade. It's my style. Fear of displaying my art due to other's expectations is a death. And so many times i've died the past 2 years. I've live in that casket and it's not much different then a black hole of meaninglessness.

Not everyone will love you. Not everyone will understand. Not everyone will enjoy your cup of tea. Don't ever let anyone hold their chin high and say, "You're no good" At that moment, you fall victim to insecurity and degradation. You know who you are. Be proud of it. It took me so long to be proud of myself and just play in front of others. Writing and performing isn't about being good. It's about personal creativity, emotion, and courage. Courage to be who you are regardless.

That type of integrity means everything. Being, not only around those who like you, but even in the midst of those who don't.

Never stop being. It's what it's all about.

yours truly