Saturday, November 29, 2008

Hold me like you hold your guitar...

Solitary Man
Originally uploaded by Soffia Gisladóttir

He holds it with comfort, but with care. Even as he plays it with such passionate love, he is careful not to harm it. It is like a part of him, and he is not scared to give his whole soul into playing it. He doesn't mind you knowing how much he loves it, but he doesn't do it just to show off. Even when he is alone, he loves his guitar. He is not afraid of it; He knows it will not hurt him. He trusts music above all. One day, a man will love me the way he loves his guitar.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Sometimes you have to hold tight

Originally uploaded by Trois Têtes (TT)

and sometimes you have to let go. It is your decision; be thankful for that. Don't be passive. Make the choice: Hold on or let go.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

eyes open

kissing claire, eyes wide open!
Originally uploaded by cxh2005

If you kiss with your eyes open, do you mean it any less? Maybe you don't want to miss anything. Maybe you want to make sure that love doesn't blind you the way it always does. But you have to blink every once in a while.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Originally uploaded by Honey Pie!


pretty colours

3aba6 ka3ko0o3ah =P
Originally uploaded by ka3ko0o3ah™©

God created colour. It amazes me every day.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Sunday, November 23, 2008

there aren't many nights like this

i went to see my friend play music tonight. God has given you an amazing talent of some sort. Remember, it was God who made that talent that is specific to you, so it has to be awesome. Use it. The LORD is so amazing. Thank Him for making music. It is such a beautiful gift. And in Heaven we will sing His song, more amazing than anything here on earth. I can't imagine hearing a song composed by God, when a song of a friend gives me chills and makes me feel at home and makes me want to love and to be loved. If only i could write a song, not perfect, but with no motivation for anything in the world. What if i just let the music flow out of me? Truly, honestly. What if i could turn of my musical filter entirely? Not be afraid of lacking anything. Not be afraid. "Perfect love casts out all fear." 
I could stand in the sprinkling rain at midnight forever. What if I were to never feel that feeling again? Of the tingling rain. I cannot neglect the rain.

for now?

i see that you are beautiful
i see that you are true
i see a missing piece
that i could give to you

but if i give it 
i might have to take it back
and if i give it
you may find that my piece lacks

i back away from your beauty
i back away from your love
i want it but don't need it
i need it but don't want it

walk away, dear friend, walk away
you don't deserve the pain.
i can hardly handle myself, 
gone wrong

i seem to do well
but some days i wonder 
if i'm headed for Hell
the way i treat you sometimes
the way i subconsciously mess with your mind

oh friend just lie beside me for one hour
let me feel the power
of the heat of someone next to me
pretending you are the same as me
pretending that you were made for me
just stay with me 
please stay with me
for now

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

well you're the kinda guy who doesn't know what he wants
but you're the one who acts like nothin's ever wrong
i wanna love you cuz you think i'm beautiful
but boy i just don't know if i can handle
the way you just say nothin' for an hour...
i'm thinkin' of how my life's so awesome
but then i remember you aren't in it
i have so many wells to drink from
but you're the one i can't forget


i realize you're ignoring me, 
darling, not my darling...
but i can't get over what you said when you were free
baby, her baby
before she had you 
you loved me and only me
but within just a few weeks
i became nothing
i became someone you never want to see
is it my fault?
'cuz i can't see any other way this could be fair

please, can i have some closure 
i never really knew what that meant 
until now
i thought that people were silly
for wanting one last goodbye
but now i get why
'cause you left me without warning
i thought we could still be friends, but darling 
you won't
so i just keep on trying 

every once in a while
i try to make you smile
even though you don't want it to be 'cause of me...
you want to smile again at her
'cause she's perfect for you, dear
i'm the worst voice you could hear
though it's sweet and it draws your ear
you can't listen 

i know it'd never last forever
but i want it to 
'cause i miss you more than i've missed anyone
since i was 14...
the first time i thought i was in love
and no one could convince me otherwise
i'm still pretty sure it was true...
but now i feel it again 
that longing for that friend
the boy who kept my life joyful
the memory of you...

Saturday, November 15, 2008

decisions, decisions...

well all could be right but each could be wrong
when there's no wrong decision
but they all have troubles of their own
there's nothin you can do but just go along for the ride
there's nothin you can do but just pray and hope that Christ's
example will tell you 
something to do
and your heart will
kinda help you

hope that the decision you make is
somethin worth makin
you hope that the decision you make will
make somethin else outa you but
won't hurt your heart but will change you
for the better
but it's nearly impossible
that's nearly impossible
yeah that's nearly, nearly, nearly impossible...

when all could be right 
but each could be wrong
when there's no wrong decision
but they all have troubles of their own 
ya gotta just sit back and enjoy the ride
ya gotta just sit back and let yourself unwind

cuz it's not the end of the world if you don't make it, hunny
it's not the end of the world if you are left alone for some time
it's not the end of your life
probly not...

oh girl ya gotta make it
girl ya gotta take it home with you...
oh girl ya gotta make it 
ya gotta learn to take it 
and show em what you can do

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

rush, rush
to become what you want to be
rush, rush
to see who you need to see
to grow 
to achieve
to gain love
rush, rush
or your life may be emptied of all of this
and then
what is it worth?

Monday, November 3, 2008

a pushy mom can make you famous

you got a cute little smile
and a fake little grin
and a love for music
cuz you know there's somethin in it
but you don't know what it is just yet
and you'll probably never really know
if you keep at it this way

you gotta open up your love
you gotta open up your mind
you have to stop closing up
you have to let yourself unwind
or girl you'll never know love
and you'll never know music
the way God made it to be known

but still people love your every move
eyes watch as you sing a tune
cuz you've got somethin goin on
you're close, so close
but you have to find the truth

without truth,
music is a bunch of sound
without truth,
lyrics are just pretty vowels

Sunday, November 2, 2008

the internal battle

What is better? To take/give a chance and risk hurting yourself and/or someone else, or to reject someone and risk a hurt self-esteem and losing an amazing possibility? To me it is almost irresponsible NOT to take a risk, because you are pushing away an opportunity that has been given to you. 


Amazing opportunities are all of a sudden flocking around me like ducks around a person with bread. They may be a little shy, but they are slowly approaching me, hoping for a little bite of truth. 

i saw a band play music for real tonight. it was awesome. they took my breath away. seriously. the delta saints.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

a poem from last semester

i found my last notebook from last semester. This poem was the first 3 pages. I thought it was interesting. Not extremely organized, but it is me we're talking about here. haha. 

You're so unobtrusive
So perfectly sweet
Never would you do anything
To even slightly hurt me

Your interests are not the main event
What's best for us takes precedent
If only you were what I see
As helpful, spiritually, to me

I need a man who puts God first
Without that, every-thing's a blur
The relationship's direction is not
Going to any certain spot

And if it is, it's the wrong one...
That's it. 
Oh no.

I always say relationships 
Bring you closer to God or further from Him
And here you are, taking me away
I can't deny it, but I so badly want to stay.

Please, God, I want to be with You
But don't make me leave him
I think he needs me, too.
Not to say You need me in any way
But oh God, my LORD,
You know I need You.

I want to show him the love You gave me
The way Your Son died on Calvary
He knows, he knows, 
But he's not convinced
I'm scared, God,
Will he be like him?

Without warning will he up and leave,
Without hesitance, and with transparent speed?

I'm falling, falling, falling again
I have to stop this vicious cycle
He's falling, falling
For "just a friend"
This might not work for a while

God, please help me to see
If I am really doing wrong.

I just want to love him
Cuz I know how it feels
To have had love
And want it back so bad
But not want the same one at all

He deserves someone who knows Christ's love
It seems almost natural to him, 

How can I resist?
Should I?
What would God want?
I love Him most.