Saturday, November 1, 2008

a poem from last semester

i found my last notebook from last semester. This poem was the first 3 pages. I thought it was interesting. Not extremely organized, but it is me we're talking about here. haha. 

You're so unobtrusive
So perfectly sweet
Never would you do anything
To even slightly hurt me

Your interests are not the main event
What's best for us takes precedent
If only you were what I see
As helpful, spiritually, to me

I need a man who puts God first
Without that, every-thing's a blur
The relationship's direction is not
Going to any certain spot

And if it is, it's the wrong one...
That's it. 
Oh no.

I always say relationships 
Bring you closer to God or further from Him
And here you are, taking me away
I can't deny it, but I so badly want to stay.

Please, God, I want to be with You
But don't make me leave him
I think he needs me, too.
Not to say You need me in any way
But oh God, my LORD,
You know I need You.

I want to show him the love You gave me
The way Your Son died on Calvary
He knows, he knows, 
But he's not convinced
I'm scared, God,
Will he be like him?

Without warning will he up and leave,
Without hesitance, and with transparent speed?

I'm falling, falling, falling again
I have to stop this vicious cycle
He's falling, falling
For "just a friend"
This might not work for a while

God, please help me to see
If I am really doing wrong.

I just want to love him
Cuz I know how it feels
To have had love
And want it back so bad
But not want the same one at all

He deserves someone who knows Christ's love
It seems almost natural to him, 

How can I resist?
Should I?
What would God want?
I love Him most.

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