Sunday, December 7, 2008


Holding Hands at Sunset
Originally uploaded by Jim Vail Photos

"Dating" is a term primarily by those outside a relationship. Sure, it's a way to define a relationship for those who need succinct definitions, I guess. Then again, everyone's definition of "dating" is different, isn't it? What does it even mean to be "romantically involved" with someone? Does this only refer to physical things? Does this refer to a possibility of marriage? (ohhhh scary haha). Why is the term "dating" or "going out" really necessary? My point is this: a friend is a friend.  You can decide if it is the time to be exclusive in a relationship, or if it's okay to be physical. I think the word "dating" was made up by FRIENDS of 2 friends who liked to hang out, hold hands, and kiss. They just wanted to be able to more easily gossip about people. Just my theory.

1 comment:

The_Heart_Beet said...

That's a good theory.
Food for thought.